2024 Board

E.L. Roux (she/they)
When E.L. Roux isn’t writing science fiction and fantasy romance, she/they have the exciting opportunity to develop space tech that will hopefully one day be on the Moon. In their free time they love nothing more than curling up with a book featuring individuals who open themselves up to love. She grew up in the PNW and has been involved with the writing community for over a decade. They live in Everett with their partner and already opinionated 2nd grade daughter, all while struggling to get their rescue cat and Boston terrier to play nice with each other. They have a BA from the UW in CHID and a prosthetics certificate. She’s worked as an aerospace engineer, prosthetics tech, a project manager, rock climbing aid, fencing instructor, and in customer service. Find them at www.elrouxauthor.wordpress.com, and at @ELRouxAuthor on FB and Instagram.
Trish McCallan (she/her)
Vice President of Programs
Trish McCallan (she/her) was born in Eugene, Oregon, and grew up in Washington State, where she began crafting stories at an early age. Her first books were illustrated in crayon, bound with red yarn, and sold for a nickel at her lemonade stand. Trish grew up to earn a bachelor’s degree in English literature with a concentration in creative writing from Western Washington University, taking jobs as a bookkeeper and human- resource specialist before finally quitting her day job to write full time.
Forged in Fire, the first book in her Red Hot SEALs series, came about after a marathon reading session, and a bottle of Nyquil that sparked a vivid dream. She lives today in eastern Washington. An avid animal lover, she currently shares her home with four golden retrievers, a black lab mix and two cats.

Currently Open
Vice President of Communications
The 2024 board thanks Kelly Vincent for their service to Emerald City Romance Writers. Kelly recently left the position of VP of Communications. We're sorry to see you go, Kelly!
Please contact the board if you are interested in filling the position or in helping with the any tasks of the role.
Aila Aces (she/her)
Aila Aces (she/her) writes funny historical and fantasy romances, with a new series set to be released next year. She loves any story with a genius, or an assassin, a dragon, princess, thief, pirate, con artist, or Shakespearean actor, and can’t stop herself from putting at least two or three in each of her books. You can reach her at info@ailaaces.com.

Erin Wigger (she/her)
A PNW native and dyed-in-the-wool storyteller, Erin is currently working on her first science fiction romance book under the pen name Lulu Starling. Cursed with a lifelong desire to know “why?” and “how?” and “what next?”, she spent a decade as a photojournalist—traveling around the world and photographing everything from Muhammed Ali to a specialty rat breeder.
These days she masquerades as a brand marketer at a tech startup, distracted by daydreams of penning a new romantasy series. When not working or writing, she spends her time corralling her husband and two children, and several itinerant cats.
You can find her at info@lulustarling.com or in the study rooms of the Bellevue Library, plotting the demise of several beloved characters.